Dasa Mountain Pass.

Open the doors ahead and slide to your left to take out the Skaarj behind the shipping gates. Grab his Eightball Gun and hug the left wall to find a secret, an open crate with a Shield Belt inside. Another Gunner lurks at the end of the crate row. Slide left at the doors and push the lever to open them.

On your right just inside the doorway is a dead soldier with an AutoMag and Flare. Collect them, then follow the path ahead, past a couple of Krall to a drawbridge. Toss a few rockets across the chasm to clear out the Krall before you lower the bridge.

Push the lever to lower the bridge and cross over. Walk across the cliff wall to get the AutoMag clips inside the barrel and the Nali Healing Fruit. Then carefully walk onto the wooden beam that slopes down into the chasm. Jump into the ledge below and kill the two Krall inside the tunnel ahead.

When you reach the watery chamber, dive under near the wooden post and you’ll find a Devil Fish infested passage that leads to a small chamber.

Push the lever to call the lift. Start shooting as soon as you see it as two Krall are on it. Take the lift up and throw the lever to open the main gates below. Jump down quickly and enter through the gates where two more Krall will try to ambush you. Once you’re able enter the passage on your left to find some goodies and a lever that will open the next set of doors.

Get the goodies in the crates near the tower ahead once you’ve killed the Behemoth waiting for you. Open the next door and fight the Skaarj in the watery chamber. There are also two Krall on the ledges high on your left and right. Avoid them and climb the stairs to the landing ahead. Get the Tarydium from the barrel and the continue upstairs and open the door at the top to enter the cellars.