Entering the ISV Kran

You appear in a short corridor. Go to the end, translating messages on the bodies you fins along the way. The corridor ends in a massive trench. You can poach the Gasbags from the relative safety of the tunnel before entering the trench. If you have the Matter Dissembler us it now and dash down the trench invisibly, otherwise when you are ready jump to the bottom of the trench and run towards the ISV Kran. Try to dodge shots and boulders, kill the Gasbag near the ISV Kran with ASMD shots, but try to ignore the other enemies. At the base of the ship is a patch of red light on the ground, run under this and a lift will descend from the ship. Get on the lift and as it ascends watch for an opportunity to leap onto the ship.

Inside you’ll land in a loading bay filled with hydraulic lifts and large biosuits. Press the computer screen to summon a cargo crane.

Now stand on a small square lift located in front of one of the suits. This raises you up to the level of the crane. Jump from the lift to the crane, and ride the crane to a balcony over-looking the other side of the bay.

Getting on the crane can be difficult try running from the lift to the crane - the crane has two spiky prongs, you want to aim for the right hand one and run right into the vertical shaft holding it up so that you’ll stop when you hit it. Now let the crane return to it’s original position and carefully move from the spike to the flat square arrange behind the prong. Jump from there onto the balcony and proceed through a door to end the level.