Temple of Vandora

Proceed down the hallway into a small courtyard, bars block every exit when you enter and a Skaarj leaps down and three Mantas attack.

The bars blocking the exits open when you’ve killed the Skaarj, take the new passage, Kill the Brute in the corridor and go down a spiral staircase. Continue through a short hall and dispatch the Skaarj. To your left is a chamber with two huge urns filled with blue fame. To the right is a passage leading to a sleeping chamber. The Skaarj in here will pick up a BioRifle on the table and attack you, kill it and collect the gear. Go down a flight of stairs and collect more goodies from another sleeping chamber, go down more stairs and fight another Skaarj, you’re now in a large watery area. Hop into the boat for a ride. A pair of Gasbags will attack you, if you’re getting injured too badly jump into the water. At the boats destination, hop out and look around. Proceed into a long hall and press the button at the end. You can now ascend ramps to investigate a pair or sleeping chambers above. Return to the point where the boat docked and go over the little stone bridge. Beyond is a cauldron. Step on a floor plate in front of it to light it.

Now return to the area where you originally found the boat. Go up a short flight of stairs, a sleeping chamber is off to one side. Kill the Brute and Skaarj. Find the button on the wall and a pair of staircases leading up. One staircase is straight with bars at the top blocking your passage, the other is curved and leads to a bridge crossing rooms you’ve previously visited. Take the curved staircase and cross the bridge. On the other side is a short flight of stairs, after which is a doorway on the landing leading to a fountain. Throw a flare into the fountain to reveal a Matter Dissembler.

Now leave this area, go up another flight of stairs and follow a corridor. A set of bars blocking a doorway slides aside, and you return to the courtyard.

There are now a pair of Brutes here, kill them and proceed down a short hall, through a doorway previously blocked. The new passage leads outside, follow the path through the rocks to an ornate building. Kill the Skaarj outside and enter.

Inside take either the lift or the door to an amphitheatre with a Titan on stage and a Brute behind the door. The Titan cannot leave the stage, so keep your distance and keep strafing. When the Titan is killed a doorway opens in the back of the amphitheatre, go through it to end the level.